Masculinity in Times of Change Online Symposium.
Tickets available now at Eventbrite for our 3 day symposium featuring presentations, artists talks and roundtable discussions. One ticket provides access to 10 events and all of them are free! Get your ticket here:

Infrastructures of Intimacy and the Deplatforming of Sex, Susanna Paasonen – Online Lecture, 11 Feb 2021, 18:00GMT

Susanna InfrastructuPaasonen’s feminist and queer analysis focuses on the question of online pornography and new ways of connecting via platforms and chatrooms, as in her 2011 Carnal Resonance: Affect and Online Pornography. Taking exception from the prevalent techno-skepticism that summarizes online communication and representation uncontestably as forms of commodification and alienation, Paasonen’s talk ‘Infrastructures of Intimacy and the Deplatforming of Sex‘ discusses the stakes of the new potentials of getting together online – aesthetically, socially, sexually, and politically. For Paasonen it is the tactile dimensions of online encounters, more so than the visual, that affect us as ‘resonance’ or ‘grasp’ us.
This lecture series takes queer theory’s conversation about intimacy as a starting point to discuss some of its cultural possibilities, mediated forms, and philosophical trajectories in the context of Corona.
To register for a place to join this event, please click here.

We are living through a period of profound change and the title of our third symposium event seems more timely than we could have imagined.
Following on from the success of our two previous physical network events in Birmingham on Masculinity and Body Image and Berlin on Masculinity and National Identity, our third symposium event will be held online, 20th – 22nd September 2021, to enable as many people as possible to engage with the work of network.
For the full Call for Papers, please click here. Abstracts should be sent to Professor John Mercer ( and Professor Clarissa Smith ( The deadline for submissions is Friday 7th May 2021.
Birmingham’s cultural event is represented by the Tagmasc project, led by photographer Ming de Nasty. The project explores issues around LGBTQ+ male identity and masculinity and comprises 10 photographic portraits of LGBTQ+ men accompanied by interviews where they discuss their gendered identities and how they position themselves against and alongside normative models of masculinity.
Upcoming events

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the regrettable decision to postpone our final event, Masculinity in Times of Change, to a later date. This final event will now be held on 29th September 2021 at Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) and will continue to have the same theme: Masculinity in Times of Change.
An updated Call for Papers and deadline will be circulated later on in the year. Those who submitted abstracts for the event as originally planned will have them carried over into the next cohort.

For all information, click here.

For details about the conference, click here, and for the conference schedule click here.
To register via Eventbrite, please click here.

Past events

The second event as part of our AHRC funded Masculinity, Sex and Popular Culture research network was held on Friday 17th January 2020 at Village Berlin. The theme for the event was Masculinity and National Identity.
To view the programme, click here.

Masculinity and Body Image symposium (Birmingham City University), Friday 3rd May 2019, 9.30 – 18.15
To see the full symposium programme, please click here.
This event is the first in a 24-month AHRC funded research network that will explore the contemporary sexualisation of masculinity and intends to set an ambitious agenda for subsequent research. The network steering group includes Begonya Enguix, Joao Florencio, Jamie Hakim, Mark McGlashan, Peter Rehberg and Florian Voros.

To register, click here.
Birmingham City University are hosting a special event focusing on the challenges presented by toxic masculinity.
The event will bring together a panel of key experts to discuss topics surrounding modern day masculinity and the negative perceptions of male body image.
The talk will see Birmingham City University’s Professor John Mercer lead a panel of key experts including Heather Widdows, author of Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal, former Attitude journalist Dr Jamie Hakim.
Joining the panel will be critically acclaimed author and journalist Mark Simpson, who coined the terms “Metrosexual” and “Spornosexual”.
Panellists will tackle topics including the impact of toxic masculinity on society and the pressures men experience in relation to body image. With a focus of how pressures of appearances on social media link to a negative impact on mental health.