- the mascnet roundtable
- our host Jose Arroyo
Our final Mascnet city event was in collaboration with Men in Movement V: Masculinities and Feasible Futures https://meninmovement.wordpress.com/ which culminated in a roundtable discussion chaired by Jose Arroyo (Warwick). The Mascnet steering group convened as a panel to discuss what we have uncovered during the 3 years that the network has been in operation and our priorities for future research.
Click the link below to see the video:
As part of Men in Movement V: Masculinities and Feasible Futures John Mercer and Clarissa Smith discuss Mascnet and the Masculinity, Sex and Popular Culture Routledge book series attached to the network and their own work in progress towards a book that may (or may not) be called Sexualised Masculinity.
Click the link below to see the video: