Birmingham’s cultural event is represented by the Tagmasc project, led by photographer Ming de Nasty. The project explores issues around LGBTQ+ male identity and masculinity and comprises 10 photographic portraits of LGBTQ+ men accompanied by interviews where they discuss their gendered identities and how they position themselves against and alongside normative models of masculinity.
Symposium programme: click here.
Masculinity and Body Image in the 21st Century – Birmingham City University, Friday 3rd May 2019
Toxic Masculinity – City Talk, Birmingham City University, Thursday 2nd May 2019
Introduced by Professor John Mercer (Birmingham City University) and chaired by Professor Clarissa Smith (University of Sunderland), the panel included Professor Heather Widdows (University of Birmingham), author of Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal; Dr Jamie Hakim (University of East Anglia), lecturer in Media Studies and former deputy editor for Attitude magazine; Dr Mark McGlashan (Birmingham City University), Lecturer in English Language; Mark Simpson, acclaimed author and journalist who coined the terms ‘metrosexual’ and ‘spornosexual’; and Dr Andrea Waling (La Trobe University), researcher and lecturer specialising in gender and sexuality.